This error generally occur when you try to connection a remote or network server using IP address or server name.
Now the question arises how to make enable remote connection for sql server 2005.
Here is the solution:-
Start >> Programs>> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 >>Configuration Tools >>SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
This following images display graphical represents of solution.

Follow steps highlighted in red

Follow steps highlighted in red

Now press apply and ok.
By pressing OK. the current settings will not take effect. To make these settings effective you have to restart sql server.
Go to start >> Run >> services.msc
press Ok
it will dispaly services window. now go to "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)", right click and "Restart service to take effect"

If still this will not work try restarting your system/pc
Narendar you are doing a great work
hello l have and fellow the what you said but l still get the same error.
l install sql server 2005 express edition and and visual server 2005 profeesional and it works well.l then uninstall the sql server 2005 and installed sql server 2005 Enterprise edition because l want to add report service to my project.
then from then l start getting the problem.
any idea please
I had faced that same problem earlier.
I had tried so many solution but finally, I had removed the whole Sql server and reinstall again. May this solution will work for u.
Thank you very much for this information.I was searching it for long to use sql express to connect to remote .
Thank you so much for sharing such an awesome blog...
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