There are too many methods to make an auto complete text box in
You can use JQuery (Use jquery for Auto Complete), Ajax Auto complete extender and so on. If you will search on internet you will find so many examples which are using JQuery or Ajax Extender to show auto complete on websites.
I had searched on many sites I had tried so many examples to populate auto complete list but, unfortunately, I am not able to find an efficient auto complete example.
Finally after searching for many hours I had decided to write my own code.
My example is using an C# to show auto complete. Here, code goes
Download Code
Run and try typing some numbers or text. You will find an auto complete list on page
Well if you know there is something called "JQUERY" (which is shipped as part of the ASP.NET MVC) then what the point of writting your own. Considering that with JQuery you will have more options in-term of interactivity.
You are right we can use JQUERY for auto complete.
Can u please give an working ex. of code with
I had searched so many site so finally I had came to the conclusion of writing my own code.
Please provide me an working ex. with JQUERY.
Narender Singh
First of all, sorry if my previous message was quite rough. anyway, i have provided a quick solution for Autocomplete using ASP.NET JQuery.
All right reserved of course.
Your message is not rough so, don't be sorry for that. You had given your suggestion which we all need if we have to learn.. there is a quote.. THE AIM OF ARGUMENT OR DISCUSSION IS NOT THE VICTORY BUT THE PROGRESS...
So, we need a progress my ex. is good for small data but if we have to work with a lacs of data then I suppose we have to use make a efficient search..
Thanks for your kind co-operation.
Warm Regards,
Narender Singh
Well, I have worked on several multi-database data retrieval, using ASP.NET MVC JQuery (its similar to the solution i provided earlier) and did work well.
If you find any flows on the way the search returns data, then please let me know.
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