Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit
Sql Express 2008 R2
While checking for server event as a part of maintenance we a information which is occuring after every 1-10 seconds the information is Event "Starting up database DatabaseName"
We found the solution and implemnted the same.
You need to open "Sql Express Management Studio>>Database>>Properties>>Options>>Auto Close" and set it to false.
For more information on this property, please refer
Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit
Sql Express 2008 R2
While checking for server event as a part of maintenance we a information which is occuring after every 1-10 seconds the information is Event "Starting up database DatabaseName"
We found the solution and implemnted the same.
You need to open "Sql Express Management Studio>>Database>>Properties>>Options>>Auto Close" and set it to false.
For more information on this property, please refer

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